Ceramic Little Penguin Nesting Module (2021) Stoneware

This is the module which has been chosen by a nesting pair of little penguins, only a few weeks after installation at a threatened colony on Kangaroo island. After over 18 months learning, making and collaborating both in South Australia and Tasmania to create ceramic nesting modules for little penguins is is very lovely to see that this is the first nest that has been chosen as nesting habitat. Huge thanks to my collaborators Sarah-Lena Reinhold, Dr Diane Colombelli-Negrel for their work in permitting and installation into colony with support form Kate Welz from the KI Wildlife Network and so many other volunteers on the island. This module was 'gifted into habitat' by a generous philanthropist and it is sponsored by the Jam Factory Craft ad Design Centre, Adelaide.

Thank you for the invitation to return to Kangaroo Island to speak about this project along with Diane and Sarah-Lena at the KI Widlife Carnival. The highlight of this trip was to spend time in the colony installing a fourth module (gifted into habitat), instaling ibuttons and motion sensor cameras. It was a privilege to be with these two scientists in the field. Both these activities were made possible and supported by Artsbridge, Arts Tasmania, for which I am so grateful. It is exciting to have this project move into this 'science phase' including data collection on nesting uptake and use in nesting which will inform any further work.

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Instagram: janebamford_ceramics Photo Peter Whyte