Garland Magazine - Jane Bamford - Kelp and porcelain weavings

On the back of the successful Sea Inside Exhibition at Handmark Gallery, Salamanca Place in Hobart, Garland Magazine published an article about Tasmanian ceramicists who are HOLDING SPACE MAKING PLACE.

These themes provide a lens through which each of us might interrogate his or her practice. They are broad enough to be universally applicable whilst specific enough to allow for a deeply personal response.

To read the article click here

Jane Bamford’s sculptural work asks us to consider nature’s ability to do so in the face of sustained assault.
— Dee Taylor-Graham and Janny McKinnon, Garland Magazine
Jane Bamford Porcelain and Kelp weaving ‘Ecosystems Tipping’  Photo:Peter Whyte

Jane Bamford Porcelain and Kelp weaving ‘Ecosystems Tipping’ Photo:Peter Whyte